
In this section, you can find guides that can help troubleshoot any Natively-related issue.

Push Notification doesn't work in the Android/iOS app

The first thing you must go through this checklist:

In-App Purchases doesn’t work in the Android/iOS app

The first thing you must go through this checklist:

I have a problem with a different Native feature

If you are faced with a problem related to a different native feature, go through this checklist:


My app was rejected by App Store / Google Play

Often some apps are got rejected by App Store or Google Play. It's normal.

First, you need to read the reason for the rejection message and apply the action steps.

Many rejections from Apple/Google teams are related to inaccurate descriptions. It might be related to unclear permission texts, In-App purchases product descriptions, or event application descriptions in a store. Here you can find a few useful links that can help you fix the problem:

After I close the app and then open it, data in RG are not updated (Chat case)

Unfortunately, we cannot handle this since it's a bubble socket issue. Check this thread on the bubble forum.

If you still have any issues, contact us on support chat or by email at support@buildnatively.com

Last updated